Why Teach?

Episode 7: In this episode we’ll consider the reasons why people teach and why teachers stay in the profession. Charles Logan interviews teachers April Peet Vos and Ryan Reese. He also speaks with Dr. Sonia Nieto, professor emerita at The University of Massachusetts - Amherst. All three discuss the importance of relationships — with colleagues and, most of all, with students.

Fail Better

Episode 5: Are our current abilities a reflection of our native talent or just what we have learned so far? In this episode we consider growth mindset, a term coined by Carol Dweck, a Stanford professor, that refers to a "self-belief" that our most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work since our brains and talent are just the starting point. Cultivating a growth mindset can hugely impact our confidence and our behavior -- specifically, our willingness to persevere and our openness to new strategies. We'll talk to classroom teacher Charles Logan, PhD candidate Chris Seals, and University of Pennsylvania professor Kyla Haimovitz to explore these issues in theory -- and practice.